Debbie Fawcett, Master WhaWho’er and FISH! Facilitator for Canada, affectionately known as “The Fish Lady”, built her business on passion and enthusiasm. Her vision is to "make a difference" and she does this by inspiring others to live more fully engaged lives. With over 30 years of business experience, including 15 years of inspiring others with FISH!, Debbie actively encourages people to grow, develop and engage in their professional development, while striking a life-work balance. Her light-hearted and humorous approach can bring a room to a high that makes people want and need more. Deb’s focus is on ATTITUDE and how you want to show up in the world. When you have the pleasure of FISHing or WhaWho’ing with Deb it will stay with you and become a life altering experience. Everyone needs to have an inflection of Deb’s energy, enthusiasm, sense of humour and zest for life!

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